
Shipping Software: Can I create custom carriers in StarShip?

Written by Adrian Montgomery on Mon, Oct 15, 2012 @ 05:13 PM
Red Fleet Trucks

Common Customer Question:  Chris, I have my own fleet of trucks and use regional carriers can I create custom carriers within StarShip shipping software?

Answer:  Yes, you may add custom carriers in StarShip.  Many of our clients use their own fleet of trucks, regional carriers etc. to ship items.  It is a simple process to set-up custom carriers in StarShip.  

Please follow the these 10 steps:

  1. Go to the maintain menu in StarShip shipping software
  2. Select maintain carriers
  3. Select new carrier
  4. Name the carrier
  5. Configure for manual processing if appropriate. This means StarShip will not reach out to an external service to book the truck, it will just look at whatever is indicated on the StarShip shipping software screen to prepare your documents, BOL, shipping labels, packing list.  
  6. Set-up the tendering type, daily pickup, call etc.
  7. Go into the set-up menu to configure the ship via code, this will pull the ERP data over from the sales transaction take your ship via code and link it to the carrier
  8. Navigate to the set-up menu
  9. Select printing and find the documents you want to enable for this carrier
  10. Process your order for the carrier, based on the ship via code the order number will automatically pull up the custom carrier information you created, indicate freight rules, pro number or charges if applicable, click on process shipment

After completing the 10 steps above your bill of lading and labels will be generated for your new custom carrier.

Please watch our short video for a step-by-step demonstration:





Also see our page located here for more information:


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