Automate QuickBooks Order Processing with an Integrated Shipping and Customer Service Solution
Join us to learn how to Automate QuickBooks Order Processing with an Integrated Shipping and Customer Service Solution.
StarShip and Results CRM both work with QuickBooks and offer a better way to manage your sales, service, billing and shipping information.
During this complimentary webinar learn how to automate the warehouse sales and customer service process and provide complete visibility to your team:
- Connect sales and customer service personnel to Results CRM
- Use Results CRM to better manage QuickBooks sales and customer service:
- Create and manage quotes and orders
- Access customer specific pricing and inventory levels
- View sales orders, invoices, payments and shipments
- View customer contact information
- View customer sales history, item sales history, invoice sales history
- Use StarShip to streamline and better manage your shipping:
- View and ship your orders individually or in batch
- Automatically select the "best way" to ship
- Update QuickBooks with tracking numbers and shipping costs
- Customize shipping charges based on your rules (order total, customer, etc.)
- Build brand awareness thru custom email notifications and labels
- Print a combined packing list + shipping label
- Access shipment detail through Results CRM